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Original kickass torrent is back 'what a day'

After a long wait, the original KickassTorrents website is back with a new domain Brought back by the original staffers, the new website looks just like The website is rebuild using new user database, and safe elements. At the moment, due to high server load, the users are experiencing some troubles loading the website.

After the death of KickassTorrents, the world’s most famous torrent website, a number of fake proxies arrived on the scene. This also helped the other torrent websites gain popularity.

Back in July, we told you about This website was a result of the original KickassTorrents staffers who grouped to build a community website. Then, it didn’t offer any torrent links. Now, a larger group of KickassTorrent employees have launched the website loaded with torrents —

This fully operating torrent site looks similar to the deceased Talking to TF, the KATcr team said that the majority of original KAT site admins and crew have joined the new endeavor. “This shows the loyalty, dedication and real love for KAT that we all share,” he added.

The website is back with a clean user database. Some of the renowned uploaders of KickassTorrents, whom the pirate community trusts, are also back. It’s expected that the website will be soon filled with fresh content.

To keep the member safe, the site was rebuilt and only the safe elements were kept, according to KATcr crew.

The staffers also believe that the original staffers of the website will be soon free and the outcome of the pending legal action will be in their favor.

At the moment, probably, due to high server load is loading very slowly. It’s also possible that some of you won’t be able to load it at all.

Torrent pirates be like:

So, what do you think? Can KickassTorrents regain its glory with the help of new domain? Share your views in the comments section below.


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